Dick West (Southern Cheyenne, 1912–1996), “Spatial Whorl”, 1949–1950. Oil on canvas. Gift of Dwight D. Saunders, 2004. (26/5102)
National Museum of the American Indian George Gustav Heye Center
One Bowling Green
New York, NY
Since 1940, many Native artists have pushed, pressed, and expanded beyond narrow, market-driven definitions of American Indian art. On view are nearly 40 diverse, exciting paintings from the museum's rich permanent collection that transcend, represent, or subvert conventional ideas of authenticity.
Artists featured:
Tony Abeyta (Navajo, b. 1965)
Rick Bartow (Mad River Wiyot, 1946–2016)
Acee Blue Eagle (Muscogee [Creek]/Pawnee, 1909–1959)
Julie Buffalohead (Ponca, b. 1972)
Woody Crumbo (Potawatomi, 1912–1989)
Harry Fonseca (Maidu/Native Hawaiian, 1946–2006)
Helen Hardin (Santa Clara Pueblo, 1943–1984)
Joe Hilario Herrera (Cochiti Pueblo, 1920–2001)
Allan Houser (Warm Springs Chiricahua Apache, 1914–1994)
Fred Kabotie (Hopi Pueblo, 1900–1986)
Frank LaPeña (Nomtipom Wintu, b. 1937)
James Lavadour (Walla Walla, b. 1951)
Judith Lowry (Maidu/Achomawi, b. 1948)
Mario Martinez (Pascua Yaqui, b. 1953)
America Meredith (Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma, b. 1972)
Stephen Mopope (Kiowa, 1898–1974)
George Morrison (Grand Portage Chippewa, 1919–2000)
Dan Namingha (Hopi/Tewa, b. 1950)
Tonita Peña (San Ildefonso Pueblo, 1893–1949)
Jaune Quick-to-See Smith (Salish/Cree/Shoshone, b. 1940)
Kevin Red Star (Crow, b. 1943)
Mateo Romero (Cochiti Pueblo, b. 1966)
Fritz Scholder (Luiseño, 1937–2005)
Duane Slick (Meskwaki/Winnebago, b. 1961)
Quincy Tahoma (Navajo, 1917–1956)
Jerome Tiger (Muscogee [Creek], 1941–1967)
Pablita Velarde (Santa Clara Pueblo, 1918–2006)
Kay WalkingStick (Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma, b. 1935)
Dick West (Southern Cheyenne, 1912–1996)
Emmi Whitehorse (Navajo, b. 1956)