The Office of Sponsored Projects' (OSP) mission is to provide the highest quality administrative and financial management services to Smithsonian staff at all stages of sponsored project activity, from identifying funding sources through award closeout. OSP is committed to ensuring compliance with sponsor, institutional and federal requirements and to support the advancement of Smithsonian's mission to increase and diffuse knowledge.
Fact Sheet
This fact sheet is designed to assist principal investigators and collaborators in finding information when preparing proposals. Please note that all proposals that may result in a grant or contract must be reviewed by OSP before submission.
Legal Name: Smithsonian Institution
Type of Organization: Non-profit
Official authorized to sign grants and contracts on behalf of the Smithsonian:
Karen Otiji, Director, Office of Sponsored Projects
OSP Street Address (for delivery by courier):
Smithsonian Institution
Office of Sponsored Projects
Capital Gallery
600 Maryland Ave SW
Suite 340E
Washington, DC 20024
Mailing Address:
Office of Sponsored Projects
Smithsonian Institution
P.O. Box 37012 MRC 1205
Washington, DC 20013-7012
Phone: (202) 633-7110
Fax: (202) 633-7119
Web Addresses:
Smithsonian: https://www.si.edu
Checks for grant and contract payments should be mailed to:
OSP Clearing Account
24411 Network Place
Chicago, Ill 60673-1241
Cognizant Audit Agency:
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Office of the Inspector General
NASA Headquarters
Washington, D.C. 20546-0001
Information on Indirect Cost Rates and Fringe Benefit Rates
Federal Taxpayer Identification Number:
Tax Exemption Certification Letter
National Science Foundation (NSF) Organization Number:
Dun and Bradstreet Number (DUNS#):
UEI Number:
Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Code:
3MXA0 (90998)
North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Code:
Cost Accounting Standard Disclosure Date:
October 2001
Smithsonian Animal Welfare Assurance Number:
Smithsonian Human Subjects Assurance Number:
IORG 0005809
OSP Staff
Management and Operations
- Karen Otiji, Director
- Teresa Neese, Deputy Director, Indirect Cost Analyst
- Sydney Nixon, Grant and Contract Analyst
- Cassandra Garner, Grant and Contract Analyst
- Jennifer Salazar, Grants Development Specialist
Administrative Management (Pre-award)
- Vince McMahan, Grants and Contracts Manager
- Catherine Fletcher, Grant and Contract Advisor
- Violet Jones-Bruce, Grant and Contract Administrator
- Kris Juncker, Grant and Contract Administrator
- Melva Caswell, Grant and Contract Administrator
- Maria Scaler, Grant and Contract Administrator
- Halina Izdebska, Grant and Contract Administrator
- Zanetta Ford-Byrd, Grant and Contract Administrator
Financial Management (Post-Award)
- Eskender Kejela, Post Award Manager
- Angela Poole, General Ledger Specialist
- Annemarie Roussy, Lead Financial Analyst
- Derone Ferdinand, Grant and Contract Financial Analyst
- Kean McKenzie, Grant and Contract Financial Analyst
- Mary Zevely, Grant and Contract Financial Analyst
- Lopa Patel, Grant and Contract Financial Analyst
- Edwin Rangel, Grant and Contract Financial Analyst
- Tara Barber, Grant and Contract Financial Analyst
Job Opportunities
None currently available
Contact Us
Smithsonian Institution, Office of Sponsored Projects
P.O. Box 37012, MRC 1205
Washington, D.C. 20013-7012
Phone: (202) 633-7110
FedEx Address
Smithsonian Institution, Office of Sponsored Projects
400 Virginia Ave. SW, Suite 600, MRC 1205
Washington, DC 20024