Smithsonian Museums Participate in Museum Day Live!
The Smithsonian museums will join hundreds of cultural institutions across the country Saturday, March 12, for Museum Day Live! Museum Day Live! is taking place during Women’s History Month to encourage all people, and particularly women and girls of color, to discover the arts and sciences as they visit the nation’s museums, libraries, national parks, aquariums and zoological parks.
“The Smithsonian Institution is proud to celebrate this meaningful day focused on inspiring and engaging young women and girls of color,” said Johnnetta Betsch Cole, director of the Smithsonian’s National Museum of African Art. “By presenting inclusive stories, museums enable young people of all backgrounds to see themselves portrayed in our exhibitions and programs. Our goal is to encourage reflection, dialogue and inclusion. Our hope is that people of all backgrounds, particularly women and girls of color, will participate and share their stories.”
The day’s feature event is the “Ladies’ Lightning Leadership Talks,” which will provide an opportunity for young girls to explore a wide range of careers in museums by engaging with staff from across the Smithsonian as they share their respective career paths, experiences and advice. Participants and the general public will then have the chance to learn about opportunities for teens at the Smithsonian, including internships, volunteer opportunities, “job shadows” and more.
Other events include a “Teen Poetry Workshop,” where award-winning Sudanese American poet Safia Elhillo will guide teens in poetry writing; “The Lili’u Project,” a music presentation about love and gratitude; and “#Letters4aCause,” an opportunity to learn about past and current social-justice issues.
A free shuttle service will be provided for visitors who want to visit Smithsonian museums located off the National Mall. All events are free and some require registration. The full list of events celebrating Museum Day Live! can be found on the Smithsonian’s website.
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