Biodiversity Heritage Library Collections Are on New iTunes U

March 6, 2012
News Release

In February the Biodiversity Heritage Library launched eight collections of selected BHL content on the new iTunes U. They are dedicated to a variety of themes, and this release increases exposure of BHL material and is an innovative way to reach new audiences.

iTunes U is a dedicated area within iTunes that gives users public access to hundreds of thousands of free lectures, videos books, podcasts and courses from learning institutions all over the world. With the new iTunes U app users can download content directly onto their iPad, iPhone and iPod touch. There are currently eight collections of BHL materials available in iTunes U, including:

  • Fungus Among Us
  • Floral Mania
  • Charles Darwin’s Library: Selections
  • Extinct Species
  • Rarest of the Rare
  • Pillars of Biodiversity
  • Biota of Cape Cod
  • The Curious and the Bizarre

To view the BHL on iTunes U and browse available collections, visit the provider page at

Headquartered at the Smithsonian Institution Libraries, the Biodiversity Heritage Library is the literature digitization component of the Encyclopedia of Life, a global effort to document all 1.8 million named species of animals, plants and other forms of life on Earth. BHL is a consortium of 14 major natural history museum libraries, botanical libraries and research institutions. Its goal is to contribute to the global “biodiversity commons” by digitizing and aggregating the resources housed within each of the participating institutions, providing free and open access to the legacy literature that underpins the work of the natural science community. To further explore the BHL, visit

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