Support Education
Your tax-deductible gift today will make a profound difference in our ability to reach every classroom and community in the nation, especially those that need it the most.
With a legacy as one of the nation’s most trusted resources for learning since 1846, the Smithsonian Institution is at the forefront of opening pathways to knowledge for anyone, anywhere, free of charge. We are situated at the intersection of science, art, history, and culture in an unparalleled way. Our unique, highly effective educational experiences and digital platforms draw on the unmatched interdisciplinary resources of the world's largest museum, education, and research complex.
The Smithsonian Council for Education is a national group of distinguished individuals committed to the important role education plays in transforming lives.
Council Members who make multi-year pledges enable the Office of the Under Secretary for Education to strategically plan for expanded multi-phased initiatives with greater impact.
To learn more about the Council or request information to be mailed, please contact Mark Mills, Associate Director of Advancement, at or 202-633-7122.
Education makes so much possible. Innovation and creativity. Achievement and equality. A better shared future for all. Make a difference today by joining the Smithsonian’s Council for Education.