The Smithsonian Institution was founded on principles of reason and scientific inquiry. So why is the Smithsonian home to countless tales of unexplained phenomena and—dare we say—ghost sightings? Inspired by an apparition at the National Museum of American History, we creak across museum attic floorboards, sneak into an old house in the woods, and even travel back in time to bring you a collection of spooky stories that can only be found at the Smithsonian.
- Molly Horrocks, Collections Manager, Division of Political and Military History at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History
- Pamela Henson, Institutional Historian at the Smithsonian Libraries and Archives
- Cpl. Ronald Howlin, Security Officer at the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center
- Deborah Hull-Walski, Collections Manager, Education Collections at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History
- Melissa Johnson, daughter of Deb Hull-Walski and former skeptical teenager
- Kim Dixon, former volunteer at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo
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