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Interview with Jeff Rothenberg

Interview with
Jeff Rothenberg
Crystal Sanchez and James Smith
June 17, 2013

Guru Jeff Rothenberg

"In some ways, I’ve found the art world the most interesting and challenging because I feel that it stresses the preservation aspect of digital artifacts more than most of the other areas, unless you’re talking about the preservation of software or games, which is an area that isn’t always taken very seriously but is actually very similar to the preservation of artwork."

Jeff Rothenberg is an independent Information Science consultant, based in Santa Monica, California. A former researcher at The RAND Corporation (1984-2010), he has been involved in numerous projects concerning knowledge-based modeling, expert systems, interoperability, System-of-Systems acquisition, data fusion, information assurance, and the design of architectures and associated process models to support adaptive decision making in complex environments. He is internationally recognized as an early and continuing advocate of the need for active measures to ensure the long-term longevity of digital documents, records, and other artifacts.

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