Japanese American Incarceration Era Collection Resettlement

With the end of the war in sight, incarcerated Japanese Americans were faced with important life decisions. Many of their possessions, businesses, and houses were lost when they were forced from their communities. Instead of returning to their pre-war lifestyles, some detainees resettled in other areas of the country. Residual prejudice, competitive job markets, and the flood of returning veterans made rebuilding lives even more difficult.

Once released, Japanese Americans began to pursue monetary compensation from the government for the material losses they sustained during their detainment. This resulted in the Evacuation Claims Act of 1948, which paid a paltry sum of less than ten cents on the dollar. Further recompense would not happen until the Civil Liberties Act of 1988 was signed into law and offered an Apology from the nation and $20,000 each to former detainees.