Archives Center Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT) Collection
Object Details
- Collector
- Archives Center, National Museum of American History
- Donor
- Becker, John M.
- Gay Officers Action League. GOAL
- Heritage of Pride (HOP)
- Creator
- Hirsch, Leonard
- Guest, Barbara
- Barna, Joseph T.
- Guest, Michael E.
- Donor
- Rohrbaugh, Richard
- Creator
- Cruse, Howard, 1944-2019
- Donor
- Atlantic States Gay Rodeo Association (ASGRA)
- American Federation of Teachers
- Department of Defense, Comprehensive Review Working Group
- Gay Officers Action League. GOAL
- Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Community Center of Baltimore and Central Maryland
- ONE National Gay and Lesbian Archives
- San Diego LGBT Pride
- Servicemembers Legal Defense Network
- Smith College
- University of Connecticut
- William Way Community Center
- Biren, Joan E.
- Bushnell, Megan
- Davidson, James, Dr.
- Dietrich, Joe
- Exline, Gregory
- Florence, Laura
- Huebner, David
- Jain, Shawn
- Karazsia, Amy
- Karazsia, William G.
- Other
- Larson, Gordon P., 1910-1988 -- 20th century
- Donor
- Lombardi, Angela
- Lynch, Patsy
- Names
- McWaine, Dwayne, Dr.
- Donor
- Meinke, Mark
- Nitz, Ryan
- Reichard, Bradley
- Robinson, Franklin A., Jr., 1959- (actor)
- Ros, Silvia
- Sabatino, Michael
- Shannon, Michael A.
- Sheets, Justin
- Snodgrass, Adam
- Voorheis, Robert
- Place
- Canada -- Description and Travel
- Germany -- description and travel
- Amsterdam (Netherlands)
- Washington, D.C. -- history
- Los Angeles (Calif.)
- New York, New York
- Topic
- Lesbianism
- Women's music
- Political activists
- Sexual orientation
- Transgender people -- Identity
- Lesbian and gay experience
- Gay activists
- Homosexuality
- HIV and AIDS
- Feminism
- Bisexuality
- Bars (Drinking establishments)
- Gay Pride
- Rodeos -- United States
- Provenance
- This collection was assembled by the Archives Center, National Museum of American History, Smithsonian, beginning in 2004.
- Collector
- Archives Center, National Museum of American History
- Donor
- Becker, John M.
- Gay Officers Action League. GOAL
- Heritage of Pride (HOP)
- Creator
- Hirsch, Leonard
- Guest, Barbara
- Barna, Joseph T.
- Guest, Michael E.
- Donor
- Rohrbaugh, Richard
- Creator
- Cruse, Howard, 1944-2019
- Donor
- Atlantic States Gay Rodeo Association (ASGRA)
- See more items in
- Archives Center Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT) Collection
- Summary
- This collection contains a variety of periodicals, photographs, correspondence, business and advertising ephemera (corporate and non-profit, personal), organizational records and ephemera, created by, for, and in reaction to the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT) community.
- Accruals
- The Archives Center continues to add to this collection. Addendums and gifts were received from: Dr. James P. Davidson; ONE Archive, Los Angeles, California (2019, 2023); the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center, University of Connecticut Libraries; Service Members Legal Defense Network, and Department of Defense Comprehensive Review Working Group; Joan E. Biren (2010); Joseph Dietrich, Bradley Reichard, Franklin A. Robinson, Jr. (2011, 2014, 2020, 2021); Archives of Philadelphia, William Way LGBT Community Center (2012); Joyce Cheney (2012); Patsy Lynch, Rainbow History Community Pioneers (2012-2014); Leah Kelley (2012); Gregory Exline (2013); the Sean O. Strub addendum was collected from Sean O. Strub, publisher and executive editor of POZ Magazine from Katherine Ott, curator, Division of Medicine and Science (2013); Silvia Ros (2013-2014); David Heubner (2014); Gay and Lesbian Community Center of Baltimore (2014); KoMut Entertainment, Max Mutchnik and David Kohan, Will & Grace (2014); Christopher D.A. Ragonese (2014); Antonio Ruffini (2014); Heritage of Pride, Inc.(2014); Peter J. Howell (2014); John T. Bender (2014); Steven Mayers (2014); Richard Rohrbaugh (2015); Donald Fenton (2015); Michael Guest (2015); ABC Family, Jori Arancio (The Fosters, 2015); Jerame Davis, Pride at Work (2015); Dee Mosbacher (2015); Nancy Gray, executor for the Leonard P. Hirsch estate (2015); Victoria Kathleen Hall (2015); John Coppola (2015); Christopher Aguilar Garcia (2016); Berea College, Berea, Kentucky (2016); Michael Sabatino and Robert Voorhies (2016, 2017); Jim Holbrook (2016); William J. Shepherd, Gay Officers Action League (GOAL) (2016); Daan G. Erikson (2016); Christina Dean (2016, 2017); George Bowman (2017); Adele "Del" Brown (2017); Laurie Ryan (2017); The Mattachine Society (2017); Walter Hanclosky (2018); Robin Tyler (2018); Robert B. Connelly, Jr. (2017, 2018); Larissa Stenzel (2018); Daniel M. DiLandro (2019); Kenneth W. Clubb (2019); Lynn Witt and Sherry Thomas (2019); Steve Pieters (2019); Troy Perry (2019); Greg Louganis (2020); Joan Juster (2020); Paul Detwiler (2020); Harry G. Heiss (2020); Suzanne Freed (2020); Jude Flynn (2021); Robert Witeck (2021); Crown Media, Family Networks (2021); Kyle Ruempler (2021); Alexander Slater (2021); Bruce Woolley, the Gay Alliance of the Genesee Valley/Out Alliance (2021); G. Yvonne Harris and Myra L. Cones (2022); Eric Gangloff (2023); Dexter Fox (2023); Meryl Hooker (2023); Sherilyn Thomas and Lynn Witt (2023); International Gay Rodeo Association (IGRA)(2024).
- Historical Note
- While the quest for equal rights has been pursued by generations, it is generally acknowledged that the modern day Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) civil rights movement began in New York City in June 1969 with the Stonewall Riots. Prior to this time a number of activists, individuals, and organizations such as The Mattachine Society, Daughters of Bilitis and others, fought to bring recognition of LGBT civil rights to the forefront of American society. While the movement was primarily, and most visably, centered in New York City and San Francisco, periodicals, guide books, and ephemeral material interconnected the larger LGBT community throughout the United States. The increased visibility of the LGBT movement inspired affinity groups at odds with the LGBT community's new found visibility and quest for broader civil rights. The challenge to what was termed "traditional" values encouraged these counter-LGBT groups to define and solidfy their constituency and also become more pro-active. This collection comprises material that is generated by individuals and organizations promoting both points of view.
- Extent
- 73 Cubic feet (219 boxes, 22 map-folders)
- Date
- 1825-2025, undated
- bulk 1960-2024
- Custodial History
- The Sean O. Strub addendum was collected by Katherine Ott, curator, Division of Medicine and Science and transferred to the Archives Center in 2013.
- Archival Repository
- Archives Center, National Museum of American History
- Identifier
- NMAH.AC.1146
- Type
- Collection descriptions
- Archival materials
- Passports
- Postcards
- Photographs
- Posters
- Videocassettes
- Advertising
- Dvds
- Songbooks
- Periodicals
- Citation
- Archives Center Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Collection, Archives Center, National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution
- Arrangement
- The collection is divided into twenty-eight series. Series 1: Periodicals, 1937-2023 Series 2: Agencies, Associations, and Organizations, 1965-2023, undated Series 3: Community Life and Subject Files, 1825-2023, undated Subseries 3.1: Photographs and Slides, 1870-2009, undated Subseries 3.2: Ephemera and Buttons, 1969-2022, undated Subseries 3.3: Posters and Prints, 1825-2018, undated Subseries 3.4: Subject Files, 1958-2023, undated Subseries 3.5: Pride, 1976-2023, undated Subseries 3.6: HIV and AIDS, 1987-2020, undated Subseries 3.7: Gay Games, 1982-2018 Series 4: Advertising, Business, and Publications, 1912-2023, undated Subseries 4.1: Advertising, 1970-2018, undated Subseries 4.2: Business, 1986-2021, undated Subseries 4.3: Television, Theater, and Motion Pictures, 1978-2023, undated Subseries 4.4: Bar ephemera and advertisement, 1979-2018, undated Subseries 4.5: Publications, 1912-2023, undated Series 5: Biren, Joan E. (JEB), 195-2018, undated Subseries 5.1: Xerographic Copies of Photoprints, 1971-1995, undated. Subseries 5.2: Posters and Oversize Advertisement, 1973-2018, undated Series 6: Dietrich, Joseph A., 1992-2010 Series 7: Mattachine Society Records, 1942-1996, undated Subseries 7.1: Correspondence, 1952-1991, undated Subseries 7.2: Board of Directors Minutes, 1954-1974, undated Subseries 7.3: Organizational Information, 1942-1993, undated Subseries 7.4: Councils, Chapters, and Committees, 1953-1965, undated Subseries 7.5: Conventions, 1953-1960, undated Subseries 7.6: Publications, 1944-1996, undated Series 8: Rainbow History Community Pioneers, 2003-2012, undated Series 9: Strub, Sean O., addendum, 1987-2011, undated Series 10: Gay and Lesbian Community Center of Baltimore (GLCCB, 1990-2014, undated Series 11: Ros, Silvia, 2009-2011 Series 12: Huebner, David, 2009-2014 Series 13: St. George, Philip, 1945-1955, undated Series 14: Will & Grace, 1995-2006 Series 15: Barna, Joseph T. and Heritage of Pride (HOP), New York, New York, 1910-2014, undated Subseries 15.1: Photographs, Photographic Negatives, and Slides, 1985-2010, undated Subseries 15.2: Heritage of Pride (HOP), 1984-2014, undated Subseries 15.3: Barna, Joseph T., 1910-2013, undated, Series 16: Becker, John M., 1999-2014, undated Series 17: Rohrbaugh, Richard, 1972-1986, undated Series 18: Guest, Michael E., 2001-2009 Series 19: The Fosters, 2013 Series 20: Pride at Work, 1990-2015 Series 21: Sabatino, Michael and Voorheis, Robert, 1980-2016, undated Subseries 21.1: Archilla, Gustavo A. and Lokkins, Elmer T., 1916-2014, undated Series 22: Gay Officers Action League (GOAL), 1982-2016, undated Series 23: Brown, Adele "Del" and Herizon's Bar, 1985-1991, undated Subseries 1: Changing Herizons, and Herizons Newsletter, 1983-1991 Series 24: Universal Fellowship Metropolitan Community Churches (UFMCC), 1957-2019, undated Series 25: The Christmas House, Crown Media Family Networks, 2020-2021 Series 26: Cones, Myra L. and Harris, G. Yvonne, 1979-2001, undated Series 27: Atlantic States Gay Rodeo Association (ASGRA), 1993-2004, undated Series 28: Hooker, Meryl, 1989-1996, undated
- Processing Information
- Processed by Susan B. Strange, archivist, 2004-2008. Processed by Franklin A. Robinson, Jr., archivist, 2009-2023; assisted by Jennifer Berger, Kendra Ciccone, Erin Molloy (Biren, Lynch, and Mattachine Addendums), Erin Walsh, Katarina Walther, Theresa Worden, Lily Stowe-Ackerman, Ryan Komitor, Amelia Dolbeare, Sara Kunkemueller, Geoff Kelly interns; supervised by Franklin A. Robinson, Jr. and Vanessa Broussard Simmons, archivist.
- Rights
- Collection items available for reproduction, but the Archives Center makes no guarantees concerning copyright restrictions. Other intellectual property rights may apply. Archives Center cost-recovery and use fees may apply when requesting reproductions.
- Genre/Form
- Passports
- Postcards
- Photographs -- 2000-2010
- Posters
- Videocassettes
- Advertising
- DVDs
- Photographs -- 20th century
- Songbooks
- Periodicals
- Scope and Contents
- The Archives Center Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT) Collection contains periodicals, ephemera, posters, postcards, advertisements, photographs, organizational records, publications, correspondence, and other materials related to all aspects of the LGBT community and the civil rights issues pertaining thereto. The collection was created by the Archives Center to bring together materials specifically pertaining to the LGBT community. This collection contains material from communities and individuals throughout the United States. The collection is currently strongest in periodicals, newspapers and ephemera and very strong in material from California and New York. The collection continues to add new items and the researcher would be wise to take a broad view in targeting their research topics in the collection.
- Restrictions
- The collection is open for research use. Researchers must handle unprotected photographs with gloves. Researchers must use reference copies of audio-visual materials. When no reference copy exists, the Archives Center staff will produce reference copies on an "as needed" basis, as resources allow. Do not use original materials when available on reference video or audio tapes.
- Related Materials
- Materials in the Archives Center Michio and Aveline Kushi Macro-Biotics Collection (AC0619) The Shamrock Bar: Photographs and Interviews (AC0857) John-Manuel Andriote Victory Deferred Collection (AC1128) Archives Center Wedding Documentation Collection (AC1131 ) Division of Science, Medicine, and Society HIV/AIDS Reference Collection (AC1134) John-Manuel Andriote Hot Stuff: A Brief History of Disco Collection (AC1184) Joan E. Biren (JEB) Queer Film Museum Collection (AC1216) World AIDS Institute (WAI) Collection (AC1266) Servicemembers Legal Defense Network (SLDN) Records (AC1282) Helping Persons with AIDS (HPA) Records (AC1283) DC Cowboys Dance Company Records (AC1312) Bil Browning and Jerame Davis Papers (AC1334) David Hadley Rockwell New York Disco Ephemera Collection (AC1342) Leonard P. Hirsch Federal Globe Records (AC1357) Corbett Reynolds Papers (AC1390) Mark Segal Papers (AC1422) The Mattachine Society of Washington "Love in Action" Collection (AC1428) Academy of Washington Records (AC1458) Matthew Shepard Papers (AC1463) I'm From Driftwood Records (AC1503) The Division of Political History holds artifacts related to gay activist Franklin Kameny and a variety of political buttons. They also hold LGBT related artifacts from Joan E. Biren (JEB). The Division of Medical and Science holds objects donated from Dr. Renee Richards, Sean O. Strub, and Leonard Hirsch. The Division of Entertainment and the Arts holds objects donated by The Fosters, Will & Grace, and The Christmas House.
- Record ID
- ebl-1562730120572-1562730120805-0
- Metadata Usage
- CC0
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