NMNH Hyperwall - Ocean Currents

NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Scientific Visualization Studio
September 24, 2024
Media Photo/Video

Photos for News Media Use Only

Computer visualization showing globe flat with small dots in multiple colors.
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Scientific Visualization Studio

Visualizations of how carbon dioxide moves through the Earth’s atmosphere, according to a NASA model (above) and the planet’s ocean currents (below).

NASA’s satellites collect a massive amount of complex data which requires computing power and skilled analysis to decode and track trends over time. Many of the colorful images and animations on the exhibition’s Hyperwall will present scientific data visualizations intended to communicate large amounts of information quickly.

Not everything that NASA satellites record is visible or easily observed by humans. In these cases, "false colors" are used to depict these invisible wavelengths of light and can emphasize hard-to-see processes and forces on the planet.

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