Mama Linda (00:00):
Brother Bill Starks.

Bill Starks (00:02):
Yes, Mama Linda.

Mama Linda (00:05):
Yes, Brother Bill.

Bill Starks (00:06):

Mama Linda (00:07):
You have a story to share with us?

Bill Starks (00:09):
Well, about the virus itself, not yet. Except that I'm still on the waiting list to be called in to receive the vaccine. I'm out here in Baltimore County with Momma Gwen-

Mama Linda (00:25):
Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Bill Starks (00:26):
... But I guess her living status gives her a little hands up on me (laughs), a leg up on me (laughs), 'cause here, we can't get it yet. So, we're looking at the possibility of getting some this coming weekend. And, hopefully, that will transpire.

Bill Starks (00:43):
Otherwise, the virus has really, really hampered us as far as how we get to see our friends and do the things that we would normally do in the public. I didn't go to restaurants that much, but I'm sure that there are a number of people who do go to restaurants fairly regularly and cannot do that now. So, I hope that that will be remedied very quickly by the end of this year. We'll be looking forward to being able to get back to what we consider a more normal phase of life.

Bill Starks (01:21):
I'm afraid we will, however, be wearing masks for quite some time. One of the things that we're concerned about after receiving the vaccine is, of course, how long it will be effective. We don't yet know that. We know that the flu shots are required every year. This virus is similar to the virus that causes flu. So, we hope that we won't have to have shots any more regularly than once a year. But, I've had my flu shot and my pneumonia shot. I've had the second pneumonia shot now, so I pray that I'm pretty well up to date on that. And that I will not be affected at all, personally, by the virus.

Bill Starks (02:08):
Unfortunately, I did lose a high school classmate of mine in fact, last year, who was on dialysis. And apparently in being transported to and from the dialysis center, he contracted the virus and died from it. So, that's all I know right now about the virus, and fortunately no one in my family has been affected by it. So, we pray God's blessings upon us all.